September, 2023:

We are thrilled to welcome new team members to our research group!

August, 2023:

Dr. Gutowski chaired a panel at the American Psychological Association on systems-level responses to domestic and sexual violence.

June, 2023:

It was so fun presenting at the Critical Multicultural & Diversity Counselling & Psychotherapy Conference here at OISE, University of Toronto, the Canadian Psychological Association, and the Connecticut Judges’ Institute this month!

May, 2023:

New publication in Journal of Family Violence:

March/February, 2023:

Check out our recent invited article in Domestic Violence Report:

We are excited to be presenting our research at the APA convention in August and CPA convention in June!

December, 2022:

Lab member, Aïda Retta presents at the Applied Psychology and Human Development (APHD) research gala at Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at University of Toronto. Check out her poster: Legal abuse mediates the relation between IPV and outcomes

September, 2022:

Dr. Gutowski presented the Legal Abuse Scale through a webinar on Recognizing Litigation Abuse as a Form of Family Violence offered through the Family Violence Family Law Project at the Center for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children at University of Western Ontario. If you missed it, you can view this and other webinar recordings here:

Check out the article in Forbes on Legal Abuse that cited Dr. Gutowski’s paper:

August, 2022:

Lab member, Julia Bradshaw presents at the APA convention. Check out her poster: What helps IPV-exposed mothers with family court?

July, 2022:

Check out the article in Forbes on Financial Abuse that cited Dr. Gutowski’s recent paper on Legal abuse:

July, 2022:

Check out Dr. Gutowski’s conversation with Haley Hrymak on Haley’s Podcast, “Talking Papers”: